Eg. When on a 64 bit Os and wanting to load/use the 32bit pdf
IFilter that comes with Adobe Reader 9.
Rem Klaus Bjørn Jensen 29/01/2010
Rem Marks an assembely (dll or exe) as 32 bit only. Resigns the assembely with the specified key.
Rem The original file is not changed but a copy is made with "32" appended to the filename.
REM param1 : Fully qualified path to assembelyDll to register
REM param2 : Fully qualified path to the key file (*.snk)
SET AssembelyName=%~f1
SET SignKey=%~f2
SET NewFileName=%AssembelyName%32
copy "%AssembelyName%" "%NewFileName%"
call "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
corflags "%NewFileName%" /32BIT+ /force
sn -R "%NewFileName%" "%SignKey%"